Invest sustainably.
Investing in the future.
Wir überprüfen das Geschäftsmodell jedes Ihrer Investments aus dem Blickwinkel der Nachhaltigkeit und zeigen Chancen und Risiken auf. Wir folgen keinen abstrakten Richtlinien, sondern erlauben uns den Luxus einer Meinung.
The Gutmann sustainability approach.
All Sustainability principles are fully integrated into Gutmann's investment process. ESG analysis is a fixed component and follows clear established rules. Investments are carried out in accordance with our sustainability criteria.
Stock selection is supported by a combination of exclusion criteria and the best-in-class approach. The sustainability of issuers is analyzed and evaluated using a comprehensive catalog of ESG criteria.
Our three pillars of Sustainable Investing
Exclusion criteria are norm-based and value-based
Best-in-class-approach: companies that deliver the best sustainability performance in their sector
Engagement and voting rights. Actively and directly influencing the behavior of companies
Sustainability. And how to invest in it.
We are convinced that only a long-term orientation is successful. This is not only important for our investment solutions, but is also lived out in numerous Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives within the company.
In the sustainability brochure you will find the measures implemented and further developments made in the past year.
Sustainability-related disclosures.
Here you will find the legally required information regarding our company:
Integration of sustainability risks and consideration of adverse sustainability impacts
Statement on principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors
Here you will find the legally required information on Gutmann Portfolio Management:
Product information in accordance with Article 10 Regulation (EU) 2019/2088
Pre-contractual disclosures in accordance with Annex II of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1288
Periodic report in accordance with Annex IV of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1288

Sustainability at Gutmann.
We take our social responsibility seriously and make sustainable decisions. For you and for us.