3/7/25 - 3 min read

200 Viewpoints – Thank You, Mr. Buffett

Robert Karas

Chief Investment Officer

Who would have thought in June 2020 that the first Gutmann Viewpoint newsletter would be followed by another 100,000 words? A few hundred readers were practically “gifted” to me, as our clients were treated to my weekly email from the very beginning. But hey – they could have simply unsubscribed. They didn’t.
Whenever I write, I always keep two thoughts in mind:

1.    99% of all financial publications are boring. The apparent goal of their authors: to make texts as dry and incomprehensible as possible.
2.    Warren Buffett – the most successful investor of all time – not only writes clearly but also makes investing entertaining. That’s what I aim for too.

Then as now, there is an endless flood of reports, analyses, and commentaries that – let’s be honest – hardly anyone reads.

That’s why the most important rule is: write engagingly. Finance isn’t just for insiders; it affects everyone. So why not talk about it in a straightforward way? Maybe even with a touch of entertainment?

Gratitude and Loyalty

It seems my approach is working. More than 4½ years and 200 editions later, Gutmann Viewpoint reaches over 10,000 people across different platforms. Wow! If even 1% actually reads the newsletter, that means my thoughts reach 100 people every week.

For me, that’s both a responsibility and a motivation. And with that energy, Gutmann Viewpoint has grown to 330 Word pages so far.

By the way, the very first edition was titled ”Let the Market Do the Talking.” In it, I quoted the philosopher Kierkegaard:

“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.”

Back then, I had no idea that my idea would turn into a long-term project. Today, I realize how valuable this weekly newsletter has become. On the one hand, to explain Gutmann’s values and strategies, and on the other, to organize my own thoughts.
None of this would be possible without your loyalty and support. So above all, I am grateful.


Disclaimer: This is a marketing communication. Investment in financial instruments is subject to market risks. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results. The tax treatment depends on the personal circumstances of the respective client and may be subject to future changes. Bank Gutmann AG expressly points out that this document is intended exclusively for personal use and for information purposes only. It may not be published, reproduced or passed on without the consent of Bank Gutmann AG. The content of this document is not based on the individual needs of individual investors (desired return, tax situation, risk tolerance, etc.), but is of a general nature and is based on the latest knowledge of the persons responsible for its preparation at the time of going to press. This document is neither an offer nor an invitation to make an offer to buy or sell securities. The information required for disclosure pursuant to Section 25 of the Austrian Media Act can be found at the following web address: https://www.gutmann.at/impressum

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